We’ve searched for the best superhero t shirts, superhero leggings and superhero shoes that you can get to attack your workout! I get really lazy when it comes to working out, but when I think about wearing my She-Ra tank, I get pumped! It’s part showing it off, part ‘feelin’ myself’ and if I could yell “For the honor of Grayskull” before my workout, I would. It definitely works, it gets me out of the house and more importantly… working out. Bonus points if someone notices my tank and gives me a compliment. Nothing like an approval from a stranger to make you feel “Super”!
If I could yell “For the honor of Grayskull” before my workout, I would.
I find myself excited to go out when I know I have new geeky apparel. So why not use that for fitness purposes? Show off your inner geek and you’ll be surprised at how many geeks are really out there!  

1. Never miss leg day


Storm Trooper leggings from THINKGEEK


2. Even mutants need a good workout 😉

  Rogue Tank  


3. Gain EXP points with this Pokemon tank

  jiggly puff tank  

Jiggly Puff racer tank from ACTIVATE APPAREL


4. Because every vigilante needs a good support system

  batman sports bra

Batman sports bra from Amazon


5. Walk or dance in Wonder Woman’s shoes & feel the power


Wonder Woman high tops from Journeys


6. Look & feel like you jumped right out of a comic book

  Comicbook leggings  

Comic Book panel leggings from HUMAN FITNESS GEAR


7. She-Hulk smash…es her way into the dance studio every now & then

  She Hulk shirt  

She-Hulk shirt from A MIGHTY GIRL


8. Supermom? Meet your inspiration: Elastigirl

  Elastigirl Tank  



9. Punish those pesky calories away

  Punisher tank  

The Punisher tank from HOT TOPIC


10. Assemble then workout with the Avengers

  Marvel Avengers Bra  

Marvel Superheroes sports bra from AMAZON

Want more? Check out our in-depth look on superhero workout leggings for women. Kick ass!