Need a quality workout that isn’t hard on your joints? Low impact hip hop dance workouts are here for you! You’ll still sweat, stay on your fitness routine and have lots of fun!

Low Impact Hip Hop Dance

Do your joints ever hurt in the middle of your workout? Maybe you were injured and your knees aren’t as strong as they can be yet, but you still want to be able to workout? For me, hip hop dance moves are the best because it’s a workout disguised in FUN. I love hip hop dance workouts, but sometimes I do need a low impact workout without sacrificing the fun. Hip hop moves can be hard on the joints because of the jerky movements. I know I’m not the only one that have cranky joints, right? When I start feeling a little nudge from my knees or my arms, I make sure to slow it down and try a lower modification of my favorite moves. This way, I still get a fun workout without irritating my joints. Of course, I also make sure I stretch and maybe use a foam roller to massage my muscles after dancing. Not only do I get to keep my fitness routine going, low impact moves can also help slowly build muscles without stressing your joints ?? Check out our other hip hop workouts with Ashley and post your moves on instagram with #hsfteam so we can give you some love.

Jump Touch

The regular version can be really hard on the knees so in order to still get your heart rate up, do it one foot at a time. Skipping instead of jumping makes a big difference. You can check out this move in our Hip Hop Dance Tutorial.

Low impact – dancer on the right

Elbow To Knee

Knee raises are so good for your legs and your core. Pass up the jump and focus on crunching your mid section. Squeeze during the leg raises, squeeze after and feel that core burn. This move is part of our Wild Thoughts choreography so get wild, wild, wild!

Low impact – both back up dancers

Hip Rolls + Step Touch

Remember your friend the step touch? Well she’s back and she’s sexier than ever. I did this workout when I had an arm injury so I definitely needed something low impact. Combine it with hip rolls and your core and lower body will thank yah. Want the full workout? Check out our 5 minute Ab Dance Workout!

Low impact – me!

Squat Leg Raises

Let’s get back to our Wild Thoughts choreography because it’s just so dang strong and spicy! Look at Ashley, she is planking on the floor in a choreography! That’s hot, but you can do the lower mod version and get as much core work and lower body work too ?

Low impact – both back up dancers

More Hip Hop Dance Workouts Anytime, Anywhere

We’ve got a lot of Old School Hip Hop and Strong and Sexy workouts with Ashley just for you. She’ll make sure you’re sweating and having a great time, high or low mods and all! We’ve got different styles of hip hop classes to choose from available on our dance workouts, babe. We’ve got 200+ fierce and feminine dance classes available for you online anytime anywhere. Join our dance studio today and get a 15 day free trial.

Download Our 7 Day Dance And Detox And Get More Dance Workouts

For our 7 Day Dance And Detox Challenge, you get to try 4 premium dance workouts from our studio FREE! The complete challenge includes:
  • 7 days of dance workouts
  • build muscle through resistance training
  • 11 healthy recipes that help give your metabolism a boost
  • Meal-by-meal plan
  • A supportive community of women and more…
…all yours for FREE!