Is there even a soul out there that doesn’t like Beyonce’s Crazy In Love?? NO. The answer is no. And I’m super excited that we’ve got a Flirty Hip Hop choreography to this classic. So grab your Bey and Jay and let’s get this 2000’s dance party started.

Easy Crazy In Love Choreography

My love for the Queen B started when I first saw the music video for Bills, Bills, Bills. Right at the opening of that video, you see a fiesty Beyoncé tired of her man and you think, dang, I want to be her when I grow up. And then she opens her mouth to sing and dances on the hairdresser chairs and I died. I’ve died and gone to RnB heaven. Hit after hit, Destiny’s Child was my go to music and then the world went crazy because Bey decided to go solo! She co-produced her first album, Dangerously In Love and released the deliriously catchy song Crazy In Love. I couldn’t get it out of my head and I didn’t want to. I also loved that her now hubby was part of this track too– I thought to myself, now THAT is a power couple!

The poster I had from the Survivor CD

Today, we have an easy Flirty Hip Hop choreography to Beyoncé’s Crazy In Love. I’m so excited that Nicole choreographed this song because she is our Booty Queen after all. They’re the perfect combination of sass and style through music and dance. This Crazy In Love choreography is so sexy, fierce and all around badass. When our dancers found out what they’re dancing to, they were so ecstatic! Fun fact, Melanie (one of our dancers) did a Crazy In Love choreography when she was 17 years old. I have a few favorite parts to this choreography, (1) Reverse Rodeo and (2) Baby Boy. The Reverse Rodeo is so fun because you feel like a flirty cowgirl while dancing to modern music. What a weird and beautiful mix! And then Nicole hits you with the feels and uses Beyoncé’s own Baby Boy move to complete the routine. I love it when choreography goes full circle!

The Reverse Rodeo

Let me know what your fave Crazy In Love move is with #hipshaker so I can give you some love babe.

Easy Crazy In Love Choreography

Get the full Crazy In Love choreography below. Plus get more Flirty Hip Hop choreo & workouts when you become a dance studio member today.  

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Divas in pink.