A great workout makes your total body sweat and for me, dance workouts are the way to go. Dancing mixed with toning is the perfect balance because you improve your muscles while you have a dance party. Now that’s my kind of workout!

Total Body Dance Workouts At Home

It’s easy to focus on specific parts of our body, but it’s also a good idea to give love to your full body, honey! Total body dance workouts are perfect for this because it’s fun, you get to add moves to your repertoire and you work up a good sweat. I’ve picked out four different styles today so I can show you different types of total body dance workouts. Not only are these styles so unalike, each instructor also teaches differently. Some are more choreography based and others are focused on strengthening the whole body with a little help from equipments like gliders. I really like workouts that doesn’t feel like you’re actually working out even if you have equipment and I think you’ll like it too. We always post new workouts on our instagram so go give us a follow and tag #hsfteam on your total body dance workout posts so we can give you some love ?

Burlesque Choreography

I love burlesque dance classes because it’s a nonstop movement that makes me feel so sexy. This particular total body dance workout with Erica will have you on both feet and on the floor getting used to the burlesque style. My fave move from this particular workout is the cheeky bend move. It shows off the legs and really works on your balance. Plus, any excuse to wear leg warmers is a bonus for me.

Total Body Dancehall Workout

If you’ve done some of Zen’s classes, you already know that she’s going to make you SWEAT. This one is my new fave from her because she mixes toning with dancehall moves. Challenge yourself by using weights in this 5 minute set, but even if you don’t your arms will definitely feel it and so will the rest of your body.

Barre At Home

I love working out at the beach and if you think you can’t do a barre workout at the beach, think again. Having Diane’s energy made it even more of a feel good workout even if your body is working hard. She guides you through a plank journey that you’ll want to do over again. I’m not a fan of planks, but it’s one of the best total body workouts you can do.

Glider Workout For Your Full Body

Oh Nicole, here we are trying to get those abs of Steen and we’ll keep trying with help from gliders. This is a little more of our intense exercise because you’re literally on your toes the whole time. Of course, rest when you need to, remember you can always hit that pause button, but believe me, your body will thank you for the shakes the next day.

More Total Body Dance Workouts Online Anytime, Anywhere

The full versions of these total body dance workouts can be accessed on our site wherever you are. We’re your go-to for dance workouts online and we’re open 24 hours, 365 days a year!

Download Our 7 Day Dance And Detox And Try Dance Workouts Online

For our 7 Day Dance And Detox Challenge, you get to try 4 premium dance workouts from our studio FREE! The complete challenge includes:
  • 7 days of dance workouts
  • build muscle through resistance training
  • 11 healthy recipes that help give your metabolism a boost
  • Meal-by-meal plan
  • A supportive community of women and more…
…all yours for FREE!