Burlesque dance moves are a great way to feel very empowered about your body. Take charge of your amazing bod and learn five burlesque dance moves with us today.

Empowering Burlesque Dance Moves

Sometimes I need a little confidence boost and I turn to Burlesque dance for a some help. The moves get my heart rate up and it lets me get in touch with my feminine goddess and she comes out to SLAY. What I love about burlesque is that even the smallest and slowest move has an effect on the body. Subtle moves are encouraged and big bold moves will be perfected. Sometimes you just have to let that inner goddess out and all she wants to do is Fake A Split. We’ll go through five moves that will make you feel good about your femininity and will give you a good workout as well. Show off your burlesque dance moves on instagram by using #hsfteam and tag us @hipshakefitness on your posts so we can give you some love?

1. Fake A Split

Who doesn’t want to be able to do a split? I used to be able to do it when I was a kid, but now I can fake it and make it look amazing! The important thing to remember before learning this move is to make sure that you warm up so that you don’t surprise your muscles with a certain movement. Try it out and see how you can personalize this fake split.

2. Body Burlesque Dance Feels

This move is very simple and subtle, you basically slide your hands down your legs then you go into a Fake Split. We’re all so busy that we forget to check in on ourselves. This move allows you to take a moment with yourself and feel your amazing body. Keep your legs straight, your back arched and your chest out for the ultimate Body Feels.

3. Burlesque Dance Goddess Arch

I have to be honest, I had a hard time with this move at first, but I learned to trust myself and let myself go. It’s a weird feeling when you can’t see where you’re going especially if your head is almost looking upside down. So with the Goddess Arch, trust your hands and follow your heads direction and lean into it. Trust me, you’ll learn to love it too.

4. Goddess Legs

You’ll be showing off your legs for days after this burlesque move. After taking burlesque dance classes, I’ve definitely appreciated my legs more. Even though I’m short, wearing leg warmers and kicking my leg up in the air have made me feel tall and lanky. I also love how sexy this makes legs look in general.

5. Burlesque Chair Trick

Lastly, we’re learning some chair tricks from Erica. There’s nothing to be scare of babe, your chair is your throne and it’s not going anywhere. This move will make you feel like you’re flying, plus you get to make gorgeous shapes with your legs in the air. Get real comfortable with your throne babes and own it!

Burlesque Dance Workouts Anytime, Anywhere

Try a burlesque dance class today. We’re your go-to on-demand dance classes. We incorporate fierce cardio dance and toning in our dance studio. PLUS, our workouts are always available 24/7, 365 days! Stay fit on your own schedule with us and try our dance workouts today.

Try A FREE Burlesque Burn Workout NOW!

Burlesque Burn combines the control and stamina of Pilates with the sexy theatrics of Burlesque. We start each class with pilates based toning workouts and end with a flirty and fun choreography. You’re gonna feel empowered and ready to take on the world! Join us for Burlesque Booty. A 20 minute Burlesque Burn Workout. Level up your booty gains with Erica and your resistance bands. She’ll go through moves that will really sculpt your glutes and then some. Then, get a good stretch and learn how to do 2 fun and sexy chair tricks. Unlock your FREE Burlesque Burn Dance Workout video today. free dance workout